About CISA® - Certified Information System Auditor

CISA® - Certified Information System Auditor Key Features 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • 4 Days Instructor-Led Training is Focused on Preparing for CISA Exam in Dallas. 
  • Live In-Person, CISA Training in Dallas Will Help You Speak to Trainer and Ask Questions Real-Time.
  • Get 30 PDUs Certificate to maintain your PMI Credentials
  • Our Classroom Face to Face CISA Training in Dallas will ensure you are one among those with the highest pass rate
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What is the scope of CISA in Dallas? How is the demand and job market in Dallas?

As per the studies published by the United States Department of Labor Statistics, the demand for CISA certification professionals is growing at a steady and healthy pace in Dallas. And it is common knowledge that certified IT professionals earn more than their non-certified counterparts.
You can earn about $125,000 per annum working as a System auditor in Dallas, making it one of the highest-paid IT domains to work in.
CISA is one of the most sought-after certifications due to its high demand by recruiters looking to fill the relevant job profile. This is because organizations across the world, and in Dallas, are on the lookout for system auditors to improve their IT and business systems.  

Mode Of Training

Dallas TX

Live Online Training

$ 975 $1465

  • CISA® Certified Professionals gets paid higher than non-CISA® Certified Professional
  • 1000s of Positive Reviews on Trustpilot and Youtube to Consider Our CISA course Services.
  • Application Assistance and 1-year Live Support Post-Course Completion for CISA course
  • Best Price Guaranteed. Trained Over 26000+ Delegates Globally
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Classroom Training

$ 4275 $6412

  • CISA® Certified Professionals gets paid higher than non-CISA® Certified Professional
  • 1000s of Positive Reviews on Trustpilot and Youtube to Consider Our CISA course Services.
  • Application Assistance and 1-year Live Support Post-Course Completion on CISA course
  • Best Price Guaranteed. Trained Over 26000+ Delegates Globally
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Customized to your team's needs

  • We can customise the training
  • Flexible pricing options
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support
  • We can deliver both In-Person or Live Online
  • Pay after the training completion
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CISA Certification Training Program Overview

For candidates looking to advance their IT careers, the CISA training course offered by Sprintzeal in Dallas is one of the best steps forward. The course has been designed with the help of leading industry experts to ensure that candidates learn more about the audit, control, and security of Information systems. It is one of the highest-rated cybersecurity certifications in the world, including in the city of Dallas. Holding this certification is certain to bolster your career.


CISA Professional Certification Course Description

The CISA certification training provided by Sprintzeal in Dallas is designed to help the candidate clear the certification requirements with ease. Apart from that it will leave the candidate well versed with advanced security and implementation concepts that is needed for large-scale cybersecurity.

The course content offered in Dallas by Sprintzeal is comprehensive and will ensure that the professional, as well as the educational development required to procure the certification, is imparted to the candidate. The course comes with bundled resources like in-depth video tutorials and mock test access which is provided indefinitely. These resources are instrumental in your quest to procure the certification and doing so will help you become a successful IT security system auditor.


CISA Certification Course Objectives

The CISA certification training in Dallas is aimed at inculcating the core principles and policies that are required for a successful IT security framework. This is inclusive of the organization’s policy on various aspects of the IT and business systems like security, procedures, policies, standards, and controls.

The certification training for CISA also ensures that the candidate obtains skills in integrity, confidentiality, and proficiency in information assets.


Benefits of CISA Certification Training in Dallas
  •         CISA is a globally reputed certification and will help you boost your career opportunities and lead to higher compensation.
  •         The certification acts as a guarantee of the candidate’s expertise in IT security.
  •         The certification helps the candidate become a value-added asset to the organization.


Top Designations and Salaries for CISA Professionals in Dallas
  •   Junior IT Auditor – $71,134 annually
  •   Senior IT Auditor – $91,476 annually
  •   Internal Auditing Manager – $112,007 annually

•    Chief Information Security Officer - $180,203annually

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Participant Reviews

Your career is our goal. We care for your professional empowerment. Don’t take it from us. Find out what our participants say about our service!

4.8 out of 5.0
3k Total number of Reviews 85.4%
Aggregate Review Score 77.1%
4.8 Star 92.4%
Course Completion Rate 70.1%

Course Advisor

Michael Lawrence

Michael Lawrence

Highly motivated network security analyst, network administrator and competent engineer, excellent customer service skills, dynamic individual, can motivate teams to complete complex projects using his tenacity, driving for excellence, leadership skills and abilities motivation to exceed the expectations of any employer & achieve final success. Project management, resource management, logistics and operations, Windows Unix / Linux Mac and integration of mixed environments. Windows or Unix / Linux (BSD included Mac OS 10) various types of Cisco routers (GUI / Basic Cisco admin.) Or Nortel Microsoft Office, Corel, Open Office. Intermediate and Italian, basic Japanese. Also specialised in network administration Windows, Linux, Computer security, White hat hacking, Computer Forensics, network forensics. Active with the research of Pentesting and research on IT security for defense. "Attack is the secret of defense, defense is planning an attack." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Exam Name - ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

Exam Code - CISA 

The CISA certification exam is of 150 multiple-choice questions.

Exam candidates have 4 hours (240 min) to complete the CISA exam.

Passing score - 450 out of 800


Apply for the CISA exam at ISACA and get the CISA certification after taking our CISA course.


CISA exam is offered in ten languages and can be taken up in two modes,

In-person Mode – CISA Exam at PSI locations

Online Mode – CISA Exam via Online Remote Proctoring


CISSP Exam Cost Details:

CISSP Exam Cost is USD 575 (for members of ISACA) and USD 760 (for non-members)


About ISACA Membership:


There are 3 types of memberships at ISACA - Professional membership, Recent graduate membership, and Student membership.


Find membership fees, benefits and other details at the ISACA membership page.

The certificate is valid for three years. The CISA certificate holder is required to go through an annual evaluation of their CPE hours. They are required to achieve a minimum of 20 CPE hours in a year and a total of 120 CPE hours in three years from CISA training.

Yes, completion of all the videos is mandatory before taking up the final CISA exam and get CISA certified. This is to ensure the candidate is well acquainted with all the topics and well versed in the subject being dealt with.

To familiarize you with the exam pattern, we conduct mock tests during our CISA training in Dallas. Although it isn’t mandatory, taking up the mock tests is highly recommended for getting better results in the finals.

Yes, you can apply for a re-exam. In case of a failed first attempt, you need to wait for a month before applying for the exam for the second time. 

However, most of the candidates taking our CISA certification training in Dallas pass the CISA exam in just one attempt and get CISA certified from ISACA.

Yes. Customers can contact us either by phone or chat if they need help with completing the CISA certification exam application form or in case of any course-related queries. 

CISA Exam COVID-19 Update:

ISACA is offering a live remote proctoring option to aspirants for taking the CISA Exam. ISACA informs that - CISA certification exams can now be taken via online remote proctored or at an in-person testing center (provided the local test center is open). 

Read ISACA's remote proctoring guide to know guidelines for taking up the CISA remote proctored exam and to understand how the exam is conducted. 

To know benefits of cybersecurity, skills in demand, the importance of cybersecurity and top certifications, job scope for certified CISA professionals, read this guide to cybersecurity 

Do You Have Questions ? We'll help you to grow your career and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our E-learning portal offers web-based training for over 100+ courses. The CISA classes in Dallas are conducted by a certified trainer with vast knowledge in the area and teaching experience. High-quality training videos for CISA are provided which can be accessed from anywhere in the world and at any time. ‌ The basic knowledge of using computers and access to a stable internet is all one needs to get the most out of our online course.

In our classroom mode of CISA course offered in Dallas, professionals can take up the course by attending classes the conventional way and get trained in a classroom environment. You can enroll in the upcoming batch of CISA certification courses in Dallas and join our industry expert trainers. Professionals can take up this offline form of training and attend classes in groups too. 

Live a virtual classroom is a personalized form of online training in Dallas where the student and the trainer are live and face-to-face, discussing concepts and doubts. 

This mode for CISA training in Dallas is preferred by professionals who wish to remove minor inconveniences that come with watching pre-recorded videos for training and by those who want the flexibility that the classroom mode fails to offer. 

Our training approach for CISA certification is 

  • Practical
  • Goal-oriented
  • Structured
  • Effective and 
  • Affordable

Our approach will enable you to put your learning in practice. We have a proven track record of candidates passing the exam and getting the certification in the FIRST attempt. 

After clearing the exam, certified CISA professionals get the Information System Auditor Certification from ISACA, the governing body. 

Upon completion of the CISA course in Dallas, you will receive the course completion certification from Sprintzeal. Trusted by millions, we are the industry leader in providing certification courses across the globe. 

Yes, certifications provided by Sprintzeal are internationally recognized. All modes of CISA courses are accredited by internationally recognized governing bodies and are registered trademarks of institutes like ISACA. The Certified Information System Auditor Certification is provided by ISACA - The Governing Body. 

Yes, you can learn all the courses offered by Sprintzeal. There are no limitations to learning courses and one can even get multiple certificates provided he/she completes the courses and clears the exam.  

You can get instant support on our live chat, can reach us on call 24/7 or request a call back to have your queries about CISA courses or any other programs answered.

Certifications have undoubtedly become a major criterion for the job selection process and the certificate gained from Sprintzeal surely holds great value. CISA certification can certainly help one land a job, get a promotion, gain exposure to new areas of the IT field and advance your career in cyber security. 

CISA is one of the most popular and high paying cyber security certifications in the world. The chances of getting a job increases manifold on getting certified. It surely acts as an add-on that gives you an edge over your competitors. However, since several other things are also taken into consideration by interviewers, we cannot give a 100% guarantee as a huge part of the selection depends on the interviewer and the candidate.

With over 200000+ professionals trained across the globe the success rate of Sprintzeal’s training programs is impressive with 99.6 %.

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