What are the Prerequisites for Machine Learning?

What are the Prerequisites for Machine Learning?


With these vastly growing technologies of machine learning and artificial intelligence, every engineer and every computer science enthusiast would have wanted to become a Machine Learning Engineer at some point in their lives.

Now that you are here, you might as well have had the thought of "How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer?"

As clear as it already is, machine learning is one of the most highly practiced and in-demand technologies of our time and for the future. For all the beginners here, it is very important that you clearly understand the importance of the prerequisites for practicing machine learning.

The science of machine learning is a subfield of the science of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning deals with tasks that are related to human behaviors. To solve problems or perform tasks, machines are equipped with artificial intelligence. This allows computer machines to perform operations and solve tasks similar to how humans do.

Acquiring the best Machine Learning Certification will help you master certain ML tools and concepts. This aids in the development of more AI-integrated programs capable of making decisions and performing tasks on their own.

To start learning and practicing machine learning, it is recommended that you review the classification in Machine Learning for a better understanding of this article.

Now, let’s get started with the prerequisites for machine learning.


Necessary Prerequisites for machine learning

To get professionally certified with a machine learning master’s certification program, candidates do not necessarily need to have skills in prior practices of the field or what so ever.

Since the only base factor to practice in this domain is to have a keen and skeptic idea on using programing languages, the key factor that aids better understanding is to first understand the basic concept that structures the algorithms.

Prerequisites for Machine Learning 1

To get started with machine learning, one must be familiar with the following concepts that drive a better understanding of designing machine learning algorithms:


Calculus is the base when it comes to writing algorithms for learning packs. The part where deep learning comes into play is where integral calculus comes into play. This allows the machine to understand the role of the algorithm for the statistical features supporting machine learning features. The training of algorithms makes use of multivariate calculus. You should study and apply the crucial ideas of derivatives, divergence, curvature, and quadratic approximations.


Statistics are something that is used to obtain an outcome from a result. The data fed to the machine is converted into understandable information that is understood by the machine. Statics help machines learn the concept and compare the values and results of different data sets. Algorithms designed using statistics help obtain important information from samples of raw data instead of making use of the entire dataset.


Probability, as you may already know, helps in predicting the occurrence of an event. As for designing an algorithm for machine learning, probability would be the foundation since it allows you to reason about the likelihood of an event happening or not happening. Machine learning algorithms are designed using probability to ensure the application of a deep understanding. This will also aid in designing learning algorithms that are capable of making decisions.


Linear algebra is another important prerequisite for machine learning processing. Here, linear algebra helps in providing a better processing environment for machine learning algorithms when they deal with graphical information like images, videos, and audio data. Linear algebra also allows machine learning algorithms to understand and unlock the meaning of high-dimensional data sets.

The following are a few concepts of linear algebra that one must learn about to practice machine learning and to understand how machine learning works:

Symmetric Matrix.

Matrix multiplication.

Machine learning prediction

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


Programming languages are a very essential concept to first practice before starting to learn machine learning. As the machine learning algorithms are executed in code, knowledge of programming languages like Python or R serves as a foundation.

It is advisable to acquire a minimum of one programming language because it will significantly improve your grasp of the internal dynamics of machine learning. You should master a programming language that will make it simple to build machine learning algorithms, though.

A few programming languages are listed below:

Prerequisites for Machine Learning 2


Python is a popular language used in machine learning, particularly amongst novices, because of its simple syntax, constructed features, and robust package support. It includes the most supported libraries, with which the Python Package Index (PyPI) gives you access to more than 200,000 packages. Additionally, the Python learning community is quite supportive. With the aid of certain tools, machine learning with Python becomes more applicable around foundational concepts.

Python will teach you:

NumPy for performing mathematical computations

TensorFlow for a deep learning framework.

The deep learning software PyTorch

Computer vision with OpenCV and Dlib

classifiers and regression techniques with scikit-learn

But Python struggles with multithreading and is comparatively slower than other languages.



As popular as Python is, R is also a prerequisite for AI and machine learning. Many machine learning applications use R as their implementation language. Graphs and respectable library support are features of the program.

Some of the important packages that R supports are listed below:

Regression and classification-based procedures with Kernlab and Caret

DataExplorer for analyzing data

Rpart and SuperML.

Workflows for machine learning using MLR3

Data visualization with Plotly and ggplot

Unlike Python, R can be challenging for beginners and is also comparatively slower than C++.



Games and complex systems are known to use C++ very frequently because of its property of accessibility. The preferred programming language for creating libraries is Java, which helps develop a solid understanding of logic construction.

Machine learning requires the following prerequisites, which C++ supports:

For deep learning, consider TensorFlow with Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK).

For computer vision, employ OpenCV

For machine learning, use Shogun and mlpack.

For neural networks, utilize OpenNN, FANN, and DyNet.

Due to its syntax-oriented approach, which can be challenging for novices, C++ has some drawbacks. Additionally, it has poor library support.



One of the most widely used and anticipated technologies of the present and the future is machine learning. Novices must fully comprehend the significance of the prerequisites for practicing machine learning by being familiar with the workings of the data.

This blog discusses some of the key prerequisites for machine learning, together with the advantages and disadvantages of some of the most popular programming languages for the purpose.

In conclusion, statistics, probability, calculus, linear algebra, and programming experience are essential for machine learning.

Calculus offers optimization methods, linear algebra provides solutions that can handle massive data sets, probability enables us to forecast the possibility of events, and statistics enables us to draw conclusions from a sample of data sets.

AI and Machine Learning Masters Program

Enrol now to our AI and Machine Learning Master’s Program and Data Science Master Program. Get professionally certified and boost your career as an AI and ML expert.

Do visit Sprintzeal's official website or Sprintzeal's all courses page to explore more related courses or any courses of your preference.

Candidates can also request a call back or chat with our course expert to get instant help.

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Our technical content writer, Sushmith, is an experienced writer, creating articles and content for websites, specializing in the areas of training programs and educational content. His writings are mainly concerned with the most major developments in specialized certification and training, e-learning, and other significant areas in the field of education.

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