Best Programming Language to Learn in 2024

Best Programming Language to Learn in 2024

What is a Programming Language?

In simple words, the programming language is a language that programmers use to give instructions to the computer. The computer then tries to follow the instructions and then it does what the programmer wanted it to do. 

Programming languages allow us to translate the binary language of 1s and 0s into something that can be understood by humans.

It is a tool by which we can instruct the computer in its binary language and get the work done through it. To know which is the best programming language, this is the first step we will take.



Types of Programming Languages

To know, which is the best programming language to learn? You should have a tight grasp of the basic programming languages that are in use today. Mainly there are two types of Programming languages-


Low-leveled Language

- Low-level programming languages are closer to the machine language; this implies that it is a lot harder to understand.

- But through it, the programmer can control the computer with a high degree of precision.

- It is much quicker to translate into machine language.

- Machine language and assembly language are some examples of Low-leveled programming languages.

- They are used to write programs that relate to the specific architecture and hardware of a particular type of computer.


Types of low leveled programming languages:

- Machine Language:

It is also called machine code or object code. Machine language is easier to read because it is normally displayed in binary or hexadecimal form (base 16) form. It does not require a translator to convert the programs because computers directly understand the machine language programs. It is one of the best programming languages when it comes to having precise control over a program.

- Assembly Language:

Assembly language (ASM) is also a type of low-level programming language that is designed for specific processors. It represents the set of instructions in a symbolic and human-understandable form. It uses an assembler to convert the assembly language to machine language.

High-leveled Language

- It is closer to human language and is a lot easier to understand.

- It contains many of the words present in the human language.

- But it takes more time for it to get translated into the code language.

- Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic, etc. are some examples of high leveled programming languages.

- They are used to develop desktop applications, websites, system software, utility software, and many more.


Types of high leveled programming languages:

- Procedural Oriented programming language:

Procedural Oriented Programming (POP) language is derived from structured programming and based upon the procedure call concept. It divides a program into small procedures called routines or functions.

Procedural Oriented programming language is used by a software programmer to create a program that can be accomplished by using a programming editor like IDE, Adobe Dreamweaver, or Microsoft Visual Studio.

Example: C, FORTRAN, Basic, Pascal, etc.


- Object-Oriented Programming language:


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language is based on objects. In this programming language, programs are divided into small parts called objects. It is used to implement real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, etc. in the program to make the program reusable, efficient, and easy to use.

The main advantage of object-oriented programming is that OOP is faster and easier to execute, maintain, modify, as well as debug. These programming languages are the best when it comes to accessibility. 

Example: C++, Java, Python, C#, etc.

Middle-leveled Language

Middle-level programming language lies between low-level programming language and high-level programming language. It is also known as the intermediate programming language and pseudo-language.

A middle-level programming language's advantages are that it supports the features of high-level programming, it is a user-friendly language, and closely related to machine language and human language.

Example: C, C++, language


Most Used Programming Languages in 2024

Best programming language to learn 1

Studies show that in the year 2022 developers preferred JavaScript the most among all the other programming languages. C# and python were among the least preferred languages by the developers. C++ is the least preferred language. This does not indicate that languages other than JavaScript are not useful, and are not the best programming languages to learn. It only means that the developers have not found more efficient ways to utilize those programming languages, yet.



Best programming language to learn 2

- It is used to manage the behavior of the web page. The coders can create interactive web elements on the web page like- animated graphics, interactive maps, clickable buttons, and more.

- Most web browsers utilize it and it is one of the easiest languages to learn. JavaScript requires almost no prior coding knowledge — once you start learning, you can practice and play with it immediately. 

- It has a high chance of taking first place, in the “the best programming language to learn for the upcoming years “spot.



Best programming language to learn 3

- Python is a general-purpose programming language that empowers developers to use several different programming styles (i.e., functional, object-oriented, reflective, etc.) when creating programs.

- Several popular digital tools and platforms were developed with Python, including YouTube and Google Search. It can easily be one of the most in-demand programming languages of the future.

- “The best programming language to learn for the upcoming years,” spot is not that far away for python, as it is a very versatile language and is used in all types of IT fields.

Learn about Python certifications: Python Certifications List - Best of 2024



Best programming language to learn 4

- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is one of the most accessible stepping stones into the world of programming.

- Technically, HTML is a markup language, which means that it is responsible for formatting the appearance of information on a website. Essentially, HTML is used to describe web pages with ordinary text. 

- It does not have the same functionality as other programming languages in this list and is limited to creating and structuring text on a site. Sections, headings, links, and paragraphs are all part of the HTML domain.

- It is not that far away from the top spot of “The best programming language to learn for the upcoming years” as it is a highly accessible language.

Related read: HTML 5 Interview Questions and Answers 2024

The languages mentioned above were some of the most used programming languages throughout the globe. They are also the top contenders for the “the best programming language to learn for upcoming years” spot. Each of them serves a specific function and is responsible for a particular type of task. They will most likely, play an important role in the upcoming years as well.


Different Languages for Different Purposes

To know which is the best programming language to learn for the upcoming years? We should first understand that there is no all-purpose language. Every programming language is used for a different purpose. We can also classify the programming languages based on their domain of usage: -

- Based on the application and program development

It involves the programs you work with daily. If you want to develop programs you should consider learning the languages mentioned below.

C, C#, C++, D, Java

- Artificial intelligence development

Artificial intelligence or related fields involve creating character interactions in computer games, portions of programs that make decisions, chatbots, and more. If you are interested in developing an AI, consider the following languages:

AIML, C, C#, C++

- Database development

Database developers create and maintain databases. If you are interested in creating or maintaining a database, consider any of the following languages:


- Game development

Game development involves creating computer games or other entertainment software. If you are interested in developing a game, consider the following languages:

C, C#, C++, Dark BASIC

- Internet and web page development

Internet and web page development is the essence of the Internet. Without developers, the Internet would not exist. If you are interested in creating web pages, Internet applications, or other Internet-related tasks, consider the following languages:

HDML, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Python

- Computer drivers or other hardware development

Computer drivers and programming hardware interface support are a necessity for hardware functionality. If you are interested in developing drivers or software interfaces for hardware devices, consider the following languages:

Assembly, C 

With this, you can choose the type of programming language that you wish to learn. It does not matter if it is “the best programming language to learn for the upcoming years” if you choose it and are willing to work on it, you can succeed through that language in a specific IT field that values the programmers of that language.



Learn programming languages at Sprintzeal along with many other courses to get ahead of the competition.

 To wind up the topic, I would like to tell you that you can learn more than one programming language. But if you want to go down that route, you better think things through like the potential of the language, learning time, its applications, and other parameters.

After strategizing a plan, look for an expert who is an expert in your chosen languages and ask for his guidance. Once that is out of the way.

Start learning them and keep yourself up to date with the most recent additions or features introduced by the developers into the language. Start making programs in those languages and keep on improving yourself.

This way you would be able to master your chosen language or languages. Consequently, you would be in high demand by companies looking for an expert programmer. The best programming language to learn varies and is entirely dependent on what IT field you prefer to make a career in. The best Programming language to learn for you might not be the best for someone else.

So, choose the programming language that you like or are interested in, and make it the best programming language to learn for yourself.


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Our technical content writer, Prajwal, is an experienced writer, creating articles and content for websites, specializing in the areas of training programs and educational content. His writings are mainly concerned with the most major developments in specialized certification and training, e-learning, and other significant areas in the field of education.

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