Top 25 Java Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

Top 25 Java Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

Most Asked Java Interview Questions and Answers In 2024

Java stands out as the predominant and extensively employed programming language globally. Conceived by the collaborative efforts of James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, and Mike Sheridan in 1991 during their tenure at Netscape Communications, Java has evolved into one of the fundamental pillars of web technologies. Its status as a high-level language underscores its significance in the IT landscape, boasting first-class functions and promising prospects for the future. OOPs Concepts In Java further contribute to its versatility, allowing developers to leverage object-oriented programming principles for efficient and modular code development.

Why Is Java Important?

In Java, the primary advantage is that it eliminates the need for recompilation. It enables developers to write code that runs everywhere making it easier and feasible for them to perform their tasks.

Regardless of the architecture of a system, Java compiled code can run on any JVM (Java virtual machine). This makes it one of the foremost widely-used programming languages. Java is a class-based and object-oriented programming language.

If you are aspiring to acquire this skill and build your career as a Java developer, you must consider taking up the Java course training from a reputed training provider and getting certified. Taking a good Java training course will help you get well versed with the subject matter.

Here, in this Java Interview Questions article, we have listed the most important Java Interview Questions for beginners which will prepare you for any Java interview process. These questions will further bolster the chances of candidates who have undergone Java training. This is a way to revise and summarize the knowledge gained in a Java training course.

For professionals with good knowledge of Java programming, looking for job opportunities and interviews, we have something interesting for you. In this blog, we are going to look at some of the core java interview questions. 

Some of these questions can be categorized as Java technical interview questions. We recommend undergoing a good Java training course before getting to your applications.

Once you have applied, these interview questions will help you in combination with the knowledge gained in the Java training course.

Here’s an updated list of top Java interview questions and answers that’ll help you in Java interviews.



Top Java Interview Questions and Answers – Set 1

1) Define class in Java?

In Java, a class is a template used to create objects and define their data type of them. It acts as a building block for Java language-oriented system.


2) Explain the difference between dynamic and static loading?

Static class loading involves the creation of objects and instances using new keywords and dynamic class loading is done when the name of the class is not known at compile time.


3) What is multi-threading?

It is a programming concept that allows running multiple tasks within one single program in a concurrent manner.


4) When and by whom was Java developed?

Java was developed in 1995 by James Gosling.


Top Java Interview Questions and Answers – Set 2

1) What do JVM, JRE, and JDK stand for?

- JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine.

- JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment.

- JDK stands for Java Development Kit.


2) Does Java use pointers?

No, Java doesn’t use pointers. It has tough security. Instead of pointers, references are used in Java as they are safer and more secure when compared to a pointer.


3) Explain the steps involved in connecting to a database in java?

Below are the steps to connect to a database in Java,

- Registering the driver's class

- Creating connection

- Creating statement

- Executing queries

- Closing connection


4) Explain the functions of JVM and JRE?

The function of JVM is to offer a runtime environment for Java Byte Codes to be executed. And JRE includes the sets of files required by JVM during its runtime.


5) Explain the difference between overloading and overriding?

Overloading occurs when there are two methods of the same name but different properties.

When there are two methods of the same name and properties, one is in the child class and the other is in the parent class, overriding occurs.


Top Java Interview Questions And Answers – Set 3

1) What is the default size of the load factor in the hashing-based collection?

The default size is 0.75 and the default capacity is computed as

 Initial capacity * Load factor.


2) What is a package?

A Package is a collection of related classes and interfaces.


3) What is the superclass of all exception classes?

Java.lang.Throwable is the superclass of all exception classes. In Java, all exception classes are derived from this base class.


4) Explain the difference between equals () and = =?

The equals () method is used for checking the equality of two objects defined by business logic.

“==” aka the equality operator is used to compare objects and primitives.


5) State two differences between inner class and subclass

Inner classes must be in the same file whereas the subclasses can be in different files.

And subclasses have the methods of their parent class, but the inner classes can get the methods they want.



Top Java Interview Questions And Answers – Set 4

1) How are destructors defined in Java?

Java has its garbage collection. This means that no destructors are required to be defined in Java. Destruction of objects is an automated process that is performed by the garbage collection mechanism.


2) Define JSON

JSON is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation. It uses JavaScript syntax. The format in JSON is text only.


3) What is the most important feature of Java?

The most important feature of Java is that it is a platform-independent language.


4) What is an anonymous class?

The class that is defined in a single line of code using a new keyword and without a name is anonymous.


5) What is a JVM?

JVM is a Java Virtual Machine which is a runtime environment for the compiled java class files.


Top Java Interview Questions And Answers – Set 5

1) Can a dead thread be started again?

 No, a thread that is in the dead state can't be started again.


2) Are arrays of primitive data types?

No. In Java, Arrays are objects.


3) What are constructors in Java?

In Java, the constructor is a block of code that is used to initialize an object.


4) What are the types of constructors?

There are two types of constructors:

- Default, constructor

- Parameterized constructor


5) Explain garbage collection in Java

In Java, when an object is no longer used or referenced, garbage collection is called and the object is destroyed automatically.


6) What's the difference between Stack and Queue?

The difference between a stack and a queue is that stack is based on the Last in First out (LIFO) principle and a queue is based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle.


Java Interview Tips

Having discussed the list of important Java Interview Questions for experienced as well as beginner candidates, here we have listed some basic interview tips to help you ace the Java interview,

- Be punctual and show up on time.

- Be confident and communicate effectively

- Avoid using slang words and fillers.

- Read the job description and research the company.

- Listen carefully and take time before answering. Make sure your answers are relevant to the questions asked.

- Dress and behave professionally.

- Avoid interrupting the interviewer.

- Carry all the essential documents.

- Understand the job requirements and explain how you can fulfill them.

- Thank the interviewer for his/her time. Ask for feedback and be open to constructive criticism too.

If you want to learn Java online, you can sign up for the course on Sprintzeal’s E-learning platform and take up their Java online course to get certified.

To have a better understanding of core Java interview questions for experienced candidates, one needs to check out courses offered by Sprintzeal in this regard.



JavaScript is a vast topic. The list of Java basic interview questions could be endless. But we hope you’ve found this comprehensive list of Java coding interview questions we made for you, informative and helpful.

To handle advanced Java interview questions, it would be a great idea to get a better understanding of Java from a course offered by Sprintzeal. But this would be sufficient for those looking for Java interview questions and answers for freshers.

These top Java Interview questions and answers help in interview readiness. This list of top java interview questions and answers was compiled by industry experts. The experts drew up this list of top Java interview questions and answers after studying interview patterns and consulting recruiters.

You can take up Java training and add the certification to your resume for well versing java programming-related concepts.

Sprintzeal is a global training provider offering a wide range of training and certifications for professionals and their Java training course is highly reputed. You can get an overview and practical knowledge of Java concepts with our Java training course.

The skills acquired from our Java training will give you an edge over other candidates when you attend interviews. This is because undergoing Java training can help you understand and retain knowledge rather than just memorize it.

For more Java training and certification-related details, you can reach us at Click Here or chat with our course expert. If you’re looking for other training and certifications to enhance your career, you can explore all courses offered by us and request a trial.

If you are encountering any difficulties with these Java interview questions, feel free to reach us. Besides this Java Interview Questions Blog, if you want to gain more knowledge about the programming language, you can get in touch with our trainers and opt for the Java training program.

The Java training course provided by Sprintzeal is well-reputed among professionals for its quality of syllabus and trainers. The Java training course is highly reputed for its course plan and trainers. The Java training course is designed by industry experts and is kept up to date with the latest practices in the field.

Experienced trainers guide the Java training course to help you understand the concepts clearly. So, this leads us to the end of the blog for top Java interview questions and answers.

The questions you were exposed to in this Java Interview Questions blog remain the most commonly asked questions by recruiters in the industry.  We are certain that these sets of Java Interview Questions will be of great help to you if you are preparing for interviews.

If you'd like to read the extended version of this Java programming interview questions blog which involves OOPs interview questions. Do check out our highly reputed Java training course. You can also subscribe to our newsletters and ebook for the latest insights.


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With over 3 years of experience in creating informative, authentic, and engaging content, Nandini is a technology content writer who is skilled in writing well-researched articles, blog posts, newsletters, and other forms of content. Her works are focused on the latest updates in E-learning, professional training and certification, and other important fields in the education domain.

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