How to Find the Length of List in Python?

How to Find the Length of List in Python?


Finding the length of a list in Python is an essential part of regular programming that has to be learned by Python users. Gaining knowledge of its utility and operations is essential and always beneficial.

In Python, List is the place where we can store various types of data as strings and numbers.

To identify a List, square brackets are used, and its values are separated by commas.

In this article, we'll explain how to calculate the size of the lists using Python in the following order: 

Len () Method

Naive () Method

 let's get into the article to get to know how to find the length of a list in python.

Guide to Finding the Length of a List in Python

A Naive Method for Python Lists is what Python uses to maintain the order of various kinds of information.

There are however only six data types that are available in Python that can be used to store sequences, but the most popular and trustworthy is an array. To learn more about Python, you can sign up for the course, which is called Master Python Programming.

A list may be described as an accumulation of valuable items of different types. The items in this list are separated by commas (,) and enclosed by square brackets.

 A list could contain duplicate entries as well. This is because the Python len() method is utilised to calculate the length of an object.

It is described in this manner: 1 2 3 list1 = ['Sprintzeal', 'Python', 2019]; list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; list3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];

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Steps Involved in Finding the Length of List in Python

There are two commonly employed and fundamental methods to calculate what the total length is for Python:

-Len () Method

-Naive Method

The len() method is the most commonly used and straightforward approach for determining the length of any list. This is the most widely used method among programmers today.

Whereas, to determine the count, simply execute a loop and increase the counter until the last element of the list is reached. In the absence of other existing techniques, this is the most basic approach that can be used.

Let's see each method one by one and understand both methods in detail.


About Len () Method

Len () Method It has a built-in feature known as Len () to determine an overall count of the items contained in the list, whether tuples, arrays, dictionary entries, or other types.

The Len () method requires an argument from which you could give a list and then determines the size of the list. Len's () method is among the most widely used and effective methods for calculating the length of an array in Python.

This is the most available method that is used by the majority of programmers today. Syntax: The list parameter of the len(list) expression is a list of elements.

The list parameter represents a list that indicates all elements in the list are to be measured. It will return an amount of each element included in the list.


Example: 1 2 ListName = ["Hello", "Sprintzeal", 1, 2, 3] Print ("Number of the items on this list is ", len(ListName))

O Len() function comes as a pre-built feature in Python to calculate the length of the list in Python.

Len() function is a function that takes only one parameter, which is list_name.

O list_name refers to an acronym for the names of lists, whose length is to be determined.

Len() accepts the name of the list, or list_name, as its parameters and calculates the list's length.

The syntax for defining the"len"() function within Python is as follows:


With list_name being the name given to the list, whose length has yet to be decided.


Example: Make use of Python's, Python programme to build an array of elements, then add them to the list with the append() function, which is followed by the use of the() function within Python to calculate how long the list is. Display the length of the list in Python in the form of a display on the screen.

The process of creating an empty list is called new_list.

new_list = []

#adding items to the list by appending() function.




The length is determined by calculating the list in Python by using the"len"() function.

print("The list's length is: ", print("The list of items is: ", len(new_list))

This output from the above-mentioned programme is displayed in the screenshot below:

In the programme above, the list is constructed, components are added, and the list's length is calculated using the len() function that is available in Python.



About Naive Method

Naive Method Len () technique is by far the most widely used method for determining what the total length is of the lists within Python. However, there is a second method to determine information on the total length.

If you use the Naive method, one performs in a loop and then increases the counter until it reaches the final item on the list, being aware of its number.

"O Naive" of Python can be one way to calculate the amount of an array in Python. The Naive method involves creating a block of code to determine the length of the list in Python O.

There's a counter, a variable that will be incremented every time we loop through the list by using the for loop. The naive method gives how long the list is in the form of The syntax for defining Naive Technique in Python is as follows: counter = counter = for i in list_name: Counter = counter + 1.

List_name refers to the list, whose size is still to be established, and counters will be employed that keep track of its length. list_name refers to the list's name, whose length needs to be determined.

The "i" is the variable that is used in the for loop to cycle throughout the for loop.

Example: Make use of this Python program to build an array of elements, then add them to the list with an append () function that is then used use a Naive algorithm in Python to determine the size of your list.append("sprintzeal")

Determining how long the list is in Python employs the Naive method where we loop through the list using for loops and the counter variable counter = counter = for i in new_list: counter = Counter + 1. # display how long the entire list is in the form of a display on screen print("The total length on the listing is " Counter) What the program produces from the above-mentioned program is displayed in the image below.

python list length

Display the entire length of this list with Python in the form of results in your display.

Create a list of empty elements called the new list. The new list can be expanded with the help of the append () function. new_list.append ("Welcome") new_list.append("to") new_

This is the most fundamental method that is able to be employed in the absence of any other efficient methods.

Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ListName = [ "Hello", "Sprintzeal", 1,2,3 ] print ("The list reads " + str(ListName)) counter = zero for i in ListName: counter = Counter + 1 Print ("Length of list " using the naive method is " + str(counter))

Output: The list contains: ["Hello", "Sprintzeal" 1,2,3] of the list using naive methods is 5 The focus was on getting the longest list in Python.

This Len () technique is by far the most well-known method. You can use the basic method of determining the length by using the Naive Method. This means we've reached the conclusion of our guide. I'm hoping that you've learned how to calculate the size of lists with Python...

Make use of this Python program to generate the list. Add items to the list by using the append () function, which makes use of the Naive algorithm within Python for determining the size of your list.

Then, display the length of the list using Python in the form of a display on the screen.

The process of creating an empty list is called new list.

new_list = []

# Adding elements to the list using the append () function.

new_list.append (10)

new_list.append (20)

new_list.append (30)

new_list.append (40)

new_list.append (50)

# determining how long the list is in Python by using the Naive method, in which we go through the list using for loops and a counter variable.

Counter = counter =

for i in new_list:

Counter = Counter + 1.

#showing how long the entire list is as a result on screen

print("The size of the listing is " the counter)

What the program produces from the above-mentioned programme is displayed in the image below.

python list length

In the program above, a list of empty elements is made, then components are added, and it is calculated using the naive method. The output can be seen in the screenshot above.

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Through this course, you've grasped the idea of determining the length of an array in Python by using the len() function in Python and the Naive method in Python, along with the appropriate examples of programming and their outputs.

To learn more about Python and other popular programming languages, you can explore our list of certification courses. If you’ve got any queries, you can get in touch with us using the chat option at the bottom right corner of this page.

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Syed Irfan

Syed Irfan

Irfan is a technical content writer in the education niche with vast experience in creating content for certifications and training programs. He creates engaging, easy-to-understand, and valuable content for both beginners and professionals aspiring to enhance their careers. 

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