What is Big Data Analytics? - A Beginner's Guide

What is Big Data Analytics? - A Beginner's Guide


Big Data analytics is fully demonstrating its usefulness in this age of Information overload. What is big data analytics? After going through this article, you will be able to find everything about it and more. Before understanding what big data analytics is, let us first look at what big Data is.

What is Big Data?

The Data that is too large to process by the traditional methods is known as Big data. Such data requires using high-tech programs and software that are brand new to tackle the problems related to big data and other issues caused by the IT industry's rapid advancement.

Now, look at "what is big data analytics?" and its importance.

What is Big Data Analytics, and Why is it Important?

Big data analytics is a set of processes that a big data analyst uses to analyze massive amounts to gain insights into the market, competition, and customers, through which an organization can think of new ways to go about their businesses.

It will help boost the efficiency of their work and enhance their productivity all at once.

The future of big data analytics seems limitless. It is a great field to get your expertise in. It will answer the question, "What is meant by big data analytics?"


What is the Use of Big Data Analytics?

Big data analytics is becoming increasingly important as we go further into the future with IT. What is the use of big data analyticsWell, it has plenty of benefits like: - 

- It is used for making big data accessible. As the data size increases, it is necessary to make it available for all users irrespective of their skill level.

- Making quality data is also one of the uses of big data analytics. It is necessary to eradicate the copies, errors, and inconsistencies in the data. Therefore, to maintain data quality, it is imperative to eliminate unwanted items.

- Keeping Data secure is necessary to maintain the trust of the users that depend on organizations to keep their data secure from the threats in cyberspace.

- Finding the right tools and platforms that you trust is also essential. There are a variety of tools and platforms available in the market. Choose the ones that suit your needs.

What we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg regarding what it can do in the future. As a result, IT experts have high expectations for big data analytics. 


What are the Features of Big Data Analytics?

The significant features of big data analytics: -

Big data analytics- 1

- Reduce costs:

With the emergence of big data analytics, the money spent on data analytics to analyze structured data has become lesser. Big data analytics can handle all types of data, whether structured, unstructured, or raw. Consequently, it reduces the cost of analyzing the data through analytic software.

- Understand customer needs better:

Big data analytics has enabled us to analyze enormous data and derive solutions based on the collected data. As a result, it leads to a higher understanding of customers' interests and behavior. After all bigger the sample, the more accurate the Data is. Through this, they can strategize their products and provide offers that align with their customer's interests.

- Make processes more efficient:

By gathering heaps of data, the information received becomes clearer. Furthermore, it helps the organization modify its protocols based on the analysis they have received. It eventually makes the processes more efficient and fruitful.

- Detect risks and check frauds:

Big data analytics allows the organization to prevent risks and frauds that occur daily throughout the web. In addition, its ability to analyze erroneous files and data gives the organization a more secure platform.


What is the Difference between Big Data Analytics and Data Analytics?

There is a crucial difference between big data analytics and just data analytics. It is the type of Data it processes. Big data analytics commonly analyzes unstructured and raw data. In contrast, data analytics analyzes structured Data only.


Big Data Analytics Processes

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- Identifying problems:

Organizations gather data from various sources like- cloud storage, mobile applications, in-store IoT sensors, etc. they receive a multitude of data from these sources.

- Designing data requirements:

Organizing and structuring data comes next, placing the collected data into various categories and folders to analyze them easier for AI.

- Pre-processing data:

Pruning data to maintain its quality is necessary for removing the inconsistencies and errors in this step.

- Performance Analytics over data:

The analysis process requires a few Subprocesses like data mining, Predictive Analytics, and Deep learning.

- Visualizing data:

Comprehensive data that help predict the market, competition, and customers' interest is necessary.


Characteristics of BIG data analytics

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Processing massive amounts of data to give out the analysis through extensive data analysis is done. The amount of data it can process will constantly increase in the future.


Big data analytics can gather a variety of such data and organize it into categories.


Extraction of high-quality data. It can access high-quality data through its AI.


The property of high speed of accumulation of data will help organizations keep up with the rapid collection of data throughout the world.


 Through big data analytics, one can find inconsistencies and uncertainty in the acquired data. The AI can differentiate high-quality data from low-quality ones, improve the existing low-quality data, and convert it into high-quality data.


Types of Unstructured Data

Here are the different types of unstructured data collected and processed using big data analytics.


What is a Big Data Analytics tool?

The big data analytics tool is a medium through which IT experts analyze raw and unstructured data in huge quantities.

The softwares developed for analyzing such Data is the big data analytics tool. This software uses the very core principles of big data analytics. They will prove helpful for your research on large amounts of data related to the market, competition, and customers for your organization.

What is the Software used in Big Data Analytics?

Various IT organizations use many software and tools in big data analytics. These tools rely on big data analytics concepts to analyze a large amount of data daily. Some of them are:

-APACHE Hadoop: -

 It is a Java-based open-source platform used to store and process big data. It uses a cluster system that allows the system to process data more efficiently.

-APACHE Cassandra: -

It is an open-source NoSQL distributed database that fetches large amounts of data. It provides high scalability and availability without compromising speed and performance.

-Qubole: -

It is an open-source big data tool that helps in fetching data in a value chain using ad-hoc analysis in machine learning. Qubole is a data lake platform that offers end-to-end service with reduced time and effort required in moving data pipelines.

These are some of the best tools available in the market. Moreover, they keep updating their software and stay up to date with the new trends in the market.

 Big data Hadoop and spark developer certification


Now you know, "What is big data analytics?" It is a field that has yet to reach its full potential. It is one of those fields with endless growth and development possibilities. The careers related to big data analytics would be the most anticipated. If you are looking to start your career in big data analytics, here are some of your options-

Big data Hadoop and spark developer

Big data Hadoop Analyst

Want to learn something else, visit Sprintzeal. We have a variety of courses for you to choose from. I hope you gained something through this article.



Q1 What is big data analytics used for in marketing?

A. It is beneficial in collecting data related to the target audience's interests.

Q2 What is big data analytics used for in the government?

A. Helping people during emergencies and prioritizing those people based on available data.

Q3 What is big data analytics used for in healthcare?

A. Collecting the patient's data and analyzing the diagnosis based on the new patients.

Q4 What is big data analytics used for in Cybersecurity?

A. Analyzing cyber-attack patterns can be made possible with big data analytics.

Q5 What is big data analytics used for in transportation?

A. It is used to track the packages sent to be delivered.

Q6 What is big data analytics used for in Business?

A. Helpful in dealing with clients and customers by analyzing the data of their interests and their demographic.

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Our technical content writer, Prajwal, is an experienced writer, creating articles and content for websites, specializing in training programs and educational content. His writings are mainly concerned with the most prominent developments in specialized certification and training, e-learning, and other significant areas in the field of education.

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